Námestie slobody 2919/29
81106 Bratislava - Staré Mesto
Slovak Republic
IČO: 53621948
DIČ: 2121473541
Contacts for Whistleblowers
Infoline Availability:
- Monday: 13:00 — 16:00
- Tuesday: 9:00 — 12:00
- Wednesday: 13:00 — 16:00
- Thursday: 9:00 — 12:00
Hotline: 0800 221 213
How to Submit a Report:
- Electronically:
- By Post/In Person:
Námestie slobody 29, 811 06 Bratislava
General Contacts
- Phone: +421 948 935 166
- Email: [email protected]
Mail Room Operating Hours:
Monday: 8:00 — 12:00
Wednesday: 12:00 — 16:00
Friday: 8:00 — 12:00
Phone: +421 948 935 239
Requests, Personal Data Protection, Petitions, and Complaints
Requests for access to information under the Freedom of Information Act, personal data protection requests, petitions, and complaints can be submitted:
In person
By post
Through the Central Government Portal
Via email or phone
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +421 947 924 221